This brownie recipe helps to satisfy those chocolates cravings in a healthy way. It's just 3 ingredients and cooks in 2 minutes to make 1 serving.

• 1 medium over ripe banana
• 2 Tablespoons nut butter (Peanut butter or almond butter. For nut allergies try sunflower butter or tahini.)
• 2 Tablespoon cocoa powder
Optional ingredients:
• ½ teaspoon vanilla
• ½ teaspoon cinnamon
• 1-2 Tablespoons chocolate chips
Spray a small soufflé dish or shallow coffee cup with cooking spray. In a small bowl mash the banana until there are no lumps. Add the remaining ingredients and combine until r=thoroughly mixed. The batter will be stiff. Spoon the mixture into the prepared dish and microwave on high for 1-2 minutes. A shorter cook time will result in a gooier “molten” texture. Enjoy warm.
Watch me make this!